Religious T-Shirt Design Tips
Whether you're an experienced youth group leader planning your 10th anniversary mission retreat, or a fledgling young'n trying your hand at organizing a summer camp, you know that a great way to complete the function is to have t-shirts for your memorable event. Here are some extra tips to make your custom t-shirts perfect for your event:Must Include
Custom t-shirt designing can be pretty draining if you take it seriously. Don't forget these key terms that are commonly found on religious t-shirts:1. The name of your church or temple
2. Name of the event
3. Event Date
4. A memorable quote, be it serious or humorous.

Appeal to Your Audience
Your mission retreat group of 16 year olds probably wouldn't be too keen on wearing a plain t-shirt that just says St. John's Church Mission Retreat 2010, even if it were custom made and super cheap. Add some flair with our professional art library, with a unique section for style and decoration tailored just for you.Design Contest
Leave the design of the shirt to your group! This is a great way to let the shy members of your group show their creative abilities, and it'll let you amass a variety of great design choices. Have a challenge to design the best looking custom t-shirt for your event - the winner gets the pride of seeing their design worn by all the other team members. It's a simple and effective way to get your group some healthy competitive spirit - and with our easy design lab, you can save your designs and share them with your friends.Font Choice
Many people don't pay close attention to the type of font used on a shirt, but we know it can make all the difference in changing your shirt from drab to eye-popping. Choose your font wisely and make sure the lettering is large enough to read from a reasonable distance.
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