Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hopefully, you’re sporting your favorite green apparel as to not get pinched! It seems like around this time, we hear a lot of things about the holiday not knowing what sayings are myths and what are facts. We’ve broken down the most common ideas and identified which indeed are true or not:

1. St. Patrick Is From Ireland.


St. Patrick was actually born in Britain around 385AD. His parents Calpurnius and Conchessa were Roman citizens living in either Scotland or Wales.

2. We Wear Green on St. Patrick’s Day, But the Color Originally Associated with Him Is Blue.


Blue has traditionally been symbolic of Ireland, though that has obviously changed over time.

3. The Irish Are Historically Lucky.


The phrase “the luck o’ the Irish” has become a St. Patrick’s Day saying. People think it’s about how lucky the Irish are, but it’s actually a sarcastic comment about how unlucky the Irish have been in the past.

4. The First American City To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Was Boston.


 St. Patrick’s Day was first celebrated in America in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1737. Around 34 million modern Americans claim Irish ancestry.

5. The Amount Of Guinness Consumed Per Day More Than Doubles on St. Patrick’s Day.


On any given day 5.5 million pints of Guinness are consumed around the world. However, on St. Patrick’s Day, that number more than doubles to 13 million pints.

6. Pubs Have Always Been Open For Business To Celebrate This Holiday In Ireland.


Until the 1970s, all pubs were shut down in Ireland on St Patrick’s Day.

 7. Finding A Four Leaf Clover Is Nearly Impossible

FACT! (Depending on your opinion of “nearly impossible”)

The chances of you coming across a four leaf clover is 1 in 10,000. It’s quite difficult but do-able!

We hope you have a wonderful St. Patty’s Day!

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